Sabtu, 04 November 2023

PASSIVE VOICE - Unlocking the Power of the Passive Voice - by: Jazimah Aprilia

Unlocking the Power of the Passive Voice: When and How to Use It

        If you've ever been taught about writing, you've probably heard the advice, "Use the active voice!" It's a common refrain in classrooms and writing workshops, and it's true that the active voice often makes writing more concise and direct. However, there's another side to the story, and it involves the passive voice.

The Great Wall of China is often regarded as one of the most remarkable architectural achievements in human history

        The passive voice is a construction that flips the traditional subject-verb-object order found in active voice sentences. Instead of the subject performing the action, the subject receives the action, making the writing more complex. But before you dismiss the passive voice as something to be avoided, let's explore when and how it can be a valuable tool in your writing toolkit.

Understanding the Passive Voice

        In the passive voice, the emphasis shifts from the doer of the action to the action itself or the receiver of the action. This can serve various purposes:

  1. Emphasizing the receiver: Sometimes, what's receiving the action is more important than who's performing it. For example, "The Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci" shifts the focus to the famous painting rather than the artist.
  2. Anonymity: The passive voice can be used to hide or downplay the identity of the doer, as in, "Mistakes were made." This can be a strategic choice in certain contexts.
  3. Formality: In formal or academic writing, the passive voice can lend an air of objectivity and professionalism. It's often preferred in scientific reports and research papers.

When to Use the Passive Voice

  1. When the receiver is more important: If you want to emphasize the object or receiver of an action, the passive voice can be a powerful choice. For instance, "The city was shaken by the earthquake" puts the focus on the impact on the city.
  2. To maintain objectivity: In scientific or technical writing, maintaining objectivity is crucial. Using the passive voice can help to avoid implying personal responsibility and maintain a neutral tone.
  3. To create variety: Overusing the active voice can make your writing monotonous. Introducing passive constructions can add variety and rhythm to your text.
  4. When the doer is unknown or unimportant: If you don't know who performed the action, or it's irrelevant, the passive voice can provide a solution. "The book was found on the shelf" doesn't require knowing who placed it there.

When to Avoid the Passive Voice

        While the passive voice has its merits, there are times when it's better to stick with the active voice:

  1. Clarity: If using the passive voice makes your writing convoluted or unclear, opt for the active voice for the sake of clarity.
  2. Brevity: In most cases, the active voice is more concise. If you can convey the same information in fewer words, go for the active voice.
  3. Engagement: The active voice often feels more engaging and immediate. Use it in storytelling or persuasive writing to keep readers hooked.

        In conclusion, the passive voice is a valuable tool that writers should not disregard. It can add depth, objectivity, and variety to your writing. However, like any tool, it should be used thoughtfully and strategically. Understanding when and how to employ the passive voice can elevate your writing and help you communicate your ideas more effectively. So, don't shy away from it; embrace it as a powerful option in your writing repertoire.


Sample Text Containing Passive Voice

Sample 1:

The Great Wall of China: A Masterpiece of Ancient Engineering

      The Great Wall of China is often regarded as one of the most remarkable architectural achievements in human history. Its construction spanned centuries, and it was built primarily to protect the various Chinese states from invasions by nomadic tribes. The wall is not a single, continuous structure but rather a series of walls and fortifications constructed at different times and locations. It was built using various materials, including earth, wood, and stone.

    Throughout its history, the Great Wall has been maintained, repaired, and extended by different dynasties and rulers. The exact length of the wall is a matter of debate, but it is estimated to be over 13,000 miles ❲21,196 kilometers❳. That's longer than the distance between New York City and Sydney, Australia!

      The Great Wall was not only a defensive structure but also a symbol of China's strength and unity. It served as a powerful deterrent to potential invaders and played a significant role in Chinese history. It was not constructed by a single generation but was a collaborative effort by countless laborers and craftsmen over centuries.

   The Great Wall of China is celebrated worldwide for its breathtaking beauty and historical significance. It is a testament to the ingenuity and determination of the people who built it. Today, it stands as a popular tourist attraction, drawing visitors from around the globe who come to marvel at this extraordinary feat of engineering.

     In this sample text, you can find passive voice constructions, such as "The Great Wall of China is often regarded," "The wall is not a single, continuous structure," and "The Great Wall was not only a defensive structure." These passive voice sentences emphasize the actions received by the subjects ❲the Great Wall, the wall❳ rather than who performed those actions.

Sample 2:

John: Have you heard about the new building that's being constructed downtown?

Mary: Yes, I have. I saw it on the news. They say it's going to be the tallest skyscraper in the city.

John: That's right. It's being designed by a renowned architect, and the construction is being overseen by a leading construction company.

Mary: I also heard that it will have a rooftop garden, and the interiors will be decorated by a famous designer.

John: Yes, and the building is expected to be completed by next year.


    In this conversation, passive voice is used in sentences like "It's being designed by a renowned architect" and "the construction is being overseen by a leading construction company." These sentences highlight the actions being performed on the subjects ❲the building, the construction❳ rather than the individuals or entities performing the actions.

---------- QUIZ TIME ----------

67 komentar:

  1. Hallo, morning guys

  2. Hidup seperti larry

  3. Boleh ke kantin Bu?

  4. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

  5. Hai mom walaweee

  6. Gimana hari harimu 😁

  7. nina: hello, morning moomm(⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧

  8. everyone's enthusiasm

  9. Have a nice day(ʘᴗʘ✿)

  10. morning everyone。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。

  11. I'm Batman 🦇

  12. Boleh ke kantin Bu?

  13. Sepul bakul gedang8 November 2023 pukul 08.57

    Gedang Klutuk

  14. Kantin bu

  15. Ke kantin bu

  16. Sepul Bakul Rengginang8 November 2023 pukul 09.00

    Udah laper Bu?

  17. No 🇮🇱🇮🇱

  18. follow aku dongg😋

  19. assalamu'alaikum

  20. good afternoon mom

  21. I'm female batman 🦇

  22. Hello ma'am, how are you today?

  23. how was today ma'am?

  24. May you always be given health mom

  25. Hello ma'am, how do you feel when you become a teacher at SMK N 1 MANDIRAJA?

  26. Aku alan
    Beli ditoko yola semua barang elektronik ada

  27. lihatlah apa yang disampaikan bukan siapa yang menyampaikan

  28. Hello mom, Thank you for being patient and teaching us with all sincerity.

  29. Kecerdasan yang ada dalam diri serta adab dan nilai moral yang tinggi,tidak bisa untuk di beli dengan suatu materi,melainkan hanya patut untuk di apresiasi.

  30. It's really hot today

  31. Kagumi saja tanpa berharap jadi miliknya

  32. Teacher, you are a very pleasant teacher

  33. nama : mayzaya bening laksana
    kelas : x akl 3

  34. nama : khomsyatun fatikhah
    kelas : x akl 3

  35. Nama: Alifia Salsabila
    Kelas: x AKL 3

  36. Nama: Sevi Trianingsih
    Kelas :X akl 3

  37. nama: Voni Eliana Putri
    kelas: X AKL 3

    kls : x Akl 3
    No. Absen : 29

  39. Nama: Virdansah Sdadatul Mukaromah
    Kelas: X AKL 3

  40. Nama: Laely Fitri Ramadhani
    Kelas: X AKL 3
